import blog
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- 31.12.2024 Thanks for 2024!
- 02.12.2024 Hallway track is where the magic happens
- 18.11.2024 Let's solve Advent of Code puzzles together - archipylago sprint
- 20.08.2024 Fall 2024 announcement
- 01.04.2024 It's my first time at a meetup - how does it work?
- 19.03.2024 April sprint 13.4.: Web Development
- 15.03.2024 archipylago #3: Good-enough SRE practices & Rule-based systems in Python
- 27.02.2024 March meetup is coming 14.3.
- 17.01.2024 Our first sprint in February
- 15.01.2024 archipylago #1: Modern Python Packaging & Debugging Python
- 02.01.2024 Start your year with a new podcast
- 01.12.2023 from turku import archipylago