
Your friendly Python community in Turku

archipylago = archipelago + python

Our first sprint in February

Published by Juhis

After a kick-ass kick off meetup last week at Valohai, it's time to direct our focus on the next event: our first sprint.

The sprint will take place Saturday, 24.2.2024 12-16 at SparkUp, Tykistökatu 4B.

In our introduction blog post, I described our sprint concept as

For sprints, we are organizing hands-on "bring your own laptop" style events, possibly on Saturdays where we either go through some workshops, work on open source projects or take a look at new tech or library and hack away together.

For this first event, we picked a theme of automated testing. There won't be a strict program for the day, but rather a 4-hour window where you can join a group of fellow Pythonistas to work on things and learn new things.

How does it work?

The "recommended" approach to this event is to clone AutomationPanda's bulldoggy-reminders-app and use it as an example app to write tests for. You can choose your own tools that you want to learn: you might want to write unit tests with unittest or doctest or explore end-to-end testing with Playwright or Cypress.

If more people choose to do the same thing, they can group up and learn together. You can do pair programming or ensemble programming and in addition to learning more about testing, make new friends and pick up a new approach to coding!

But you are also welcome to use this time slot as a "get-stuff-done" time for writing or improving tests for your own projects or contribute to an open source project.

Finally, at the end of the day, let's do a short demo round where people can share what they worked on and what they learned.

We've added detailed instructions on how to get started.

Join the event

To join, sign up at Meetabit, bring your own laptop (and remember a charger!) and an open mind.

This event does not have a food/drink sponsorship so take care of your own nutrition needs during the day. There's a K-Market Station across the street.

Thank you SparkUp for providing us with the space for the event ❤️.