
Your friendly Python community in Turku

archipylago = archipelago + python

Information for speakers

We welcome speakers of all kind to give talks in archipylago meetups. The main idea for the meetup is to have space for developers to share with each other what they know, what they've learned and what experiences they have. You can be an experienced conference/meetup speaker or a first-timer; a senior developer or a hobbyist. We aim to have a space that is welcoming and safe to experiment with public speaking.


By default, we expect talks to be:

A typical talk has some slides and/or live coding sections but we're open to all sorts of creative talks so don't let that typical setup stop you.

What can you talk about?

If you'd like to give a talk but don't yet know quite what about, here are some ideas:

Juhis has shared more ideas with examples in his blog: Talk ideas for new and experienced speakers that you can check out for inspiration.

If you want help with ideation, crafting the talk and practice before the meetup, we're happy to help you out!


A rough schedule for our events looks like this:

18.00 Doors open
18.10 Hello from hosting company
18.20 1st talk
18.50 Break
19.10 2nd talk
19.40 Socializing
20.30 Post-meetup discussions at a local pub

but the exact timings inside the event can shift around.

Especially if you're arriving from out of town or have other schedule related constraints, please let us know and we'll adjust the schedule to fit your schedule the best.