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Start your year with a new podcast

Published by Juhis

The Python community is very active in the podcastsphere and there are many great ones to choose from.
With 2024 now officially under way, it's a good time to pick up a new podcast or two. Whether you're interested in the internals, community projects, use cases or people in the community, from these podcasts you'll find one that fits your interests. by Pablo Galindo and Łukasz Langa is a podcast the duo discusses the internals of Python. Pablo is a Python core developer, Steering Council member and release manager of Python 3.10 and 3.11 and Łukasz is the CPython Developer in Residence, Python 3.8 and 3.9 release manager and creator of Black formatter so the tales they share come from the core of the Python development.

If you're interested in learning how Python as a programming language works and is developed, is a great addition to your podcast playlist.

The Real Python

The Real Python by Christopher Bailey - a Pythonista and Python educator - discusses all things Python in a practical and easy to approach form every Friday with a changing cast of guests from the industry. It's a good choice if you're interested in learning from a variety of different things and to stay up to date on what's happening in the Python community.

Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me is a podcast by Michael Kennedy, a Python Software Foundation Fellow and the host of Python Bytes podcast too. In Talk Python to Me, Kennedy interviews Pythonistas in the industry about a variety of topics.

Hidden Figures of Python

Hidden Figures of Python by Cheuk Ting Ho (a developer advocate and data scientist), Georgi Ker (a Python Software Foundation Fellow), Mariatta Wijaya (Python core developer) and Tereza Iofciu (co-organizer of PyLadies Hamburg and a member of the Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct and Diversity & Inclusion working groups) is the newest podcast on this list as it started just before the holidays last month.

The podcast focuses on highlighting the voices of Python community members from underrepresented groups. It's a wonderful addition to the existing podcast offering.

Python Bytes

Python Bytes by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken (a Python podcaster, author and educator) is a Python news podcast with ~30 minute episodes where Michael and Brian discuss what happens in the development ecosystem.

Python People

Python People is another podcast hosted by Brian Okken. In this podcast, Brian sits down with people from the Python community to discuss the human side of software development, focusing more on the guests' stories than the technology.

Python Test

Python Test finishes the trio of Brian Okken's podcasts on this list. As the name implies, this podcast focuses on testing Python code.

Django Chat

Django Chat is a Django-focused podcast by William Vincent and Carlton Gibson. William is a former board member of Django Software Foundation, an author and a podcast host and Carlton is a Django core developer and a former Django Fellow. Together with their guests, they discuss Django the framework and the community activities around it.

Django Riffs

Django Riffs by Matt Layman is an educational podcast that helps people get started with developing websites and web applications with Django. It's a great companion to the Django tutorial if you're looking for some extra guidance when you're learning.

Sad Python Girls Club

Sad Python Girls Club is a podcast by Luciana Abud and Dawn Wages who work at Microsoft and share insights into Python world from the VS Code Python team.

Django Brew

Django Brew started in March 2024 and is a "fun, caffeine-powered podcast about the Django web framework by Adam Hill and Sangeeta Jadoonanan!" Adam and Sangeeta are both Python developers


PyBites by Bob Belderbos and Julian Sequeira is a podcast about Python development, career and mindset skills. They bring in regular guests from the Python community to discuss various topics. The podcast is focused on people, their stories and careers.